Thursday, July 3, 2014

On the need to try to a career change.
Well here I go. I have worked in food service most my life . While I have had my ups. And even met a few cool friends that I still speak with at one place. I feel it is time to move. While the middle -upper crust full service sphere is painted glamorous on TV. It is stressful, I have met a lot of people who can not make it a day buzed up on something. A lot of times during and before work. The stress of it.The treating of food as an analogy of dying patient under an ER doctor. No longer for me. The constant changing of rules, The yelling, the arguing, the unreasonable behaviors. Fatal stress.Though my current job is a little better. It still is droning and droll.

Last year a high strung chef went off on me at my current job in a cafeteria. For things I had little or no part in. I went home that afternoon. Called the local community college. Made an appointment for a career talk. Wound up pointing toward human services work. Due to my talkative people oriented way. Odd things like certain bands I liked even came up. Yes the Clash at least sold thmeselves as for the people. 

Onward now. I grew up raised by a single mom. She suffered from schizophrenia. So life was turbulent at times. A couple of times my sister and I. We even did stints in a state ran orphanage. That was eventually shut down. Allegations of abuse etc. Some of which I seen. And experienced more from other kids.

Well to get the point on here. There were also many times. That we relied on various social agencies to help us along. And a possible opportunity to help and repay that. What more could I ask for?

I have to at least give it a try. A little red tape to cut, but I'll try.
Plus this may sound odd. A few times in my life. Academic types have conversed with me. On various jobs. And they always say something like this..."Why are you wasting your life here?" 

As a note here. I know the corporate situation I rant about. It is everywhere. At least in this field. If I make it. It will be in a different more rewarding sector. Which I'm sure will have a downside to a point, but not like this.
Well I did a brief google last night. Seen some people rambling online about free cell phones, free shelter, and food stamps . How soft drinks and junk food should be a luxury not covered. 
Well I had a hunch as to why those things are available to SNAP users. Here we go.
Pepsi Co, Corn Manufacturers of America, various grocery chains etc. They have all lobbied our lovely government. So that these things are available on SNAP cards. That is just lovely. 
Just like things I read on The First Ladie's Let's Move Campaign. She only mentioned food in the first few speeches. If that. Seems some big food corporations got a little angry. Sending out their lobbyist to attack. See the blame goes two ways. Yes people should not be buying crap left and right on Fed money. At the same time if the gov was serious. They would not let junk food lobbyist dictate to be covered on SNAP. They would not get angry when a health and fitness education program is started, and say "don't mention us". This is a shame. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A short thanks to former drinking buddy and punk zine columnist Jason Dimitri Monroe. For always encouraging me to get off my ass and write something. Have not seen you in ages, Hope you found your band. Though the Sub Galley is no more, and now a gentrified fetish of what it was. There were a lot of great times in that dirty rat hole. 
Well what shall I write? It has been a while. Well shall we jump in and take a swim?
Words can help. Words can make a smile. If misused words can destroy. Words are the ultimate canvas. The brush strokes of imagination and ideas. 
As  we come up on the July Fourth Holiday, I sit in a state of disdain. Perhaps this old electro-punk flavored offering can better describe. While I love my country. I do not like the corporate oligarchy that is growing. And blindly accepted. As we play with our silly distractions and toys.

So everyone go put on your tinfoil Uncle Sam Top Hats as we get sold out.

Ministry - America (Live 1982)